什么是 NSDR?
非睡眠深度休息是一种通过半清醒状态,在 10 到 30 分钟内快速恢复能量的方法。NSDR 的核心是引导冥想,通过深呼吸和身体扫描等技术帮助你实现放松和恢复。NSDR 可以提供类似小睡的效果,但实际上不会入睡,也不会影响晚上的睡眠。斯坦福大学神经科学家 Andrew Huberman 推广了这种方法,现在在硅谷非常流行。
NSDR 和小睡有什么区别?
NSDR 和小睡的主要区别在于,NSDR 在半清醒状态下进行,不涉及睡眠,而小睡则进入浅睡或深睡状态。NSDR 更加主动和可控,适合任何环境,而小睡在入睡和睡眠深度方面较难控制。NSDR 不会影响晚上的睡眠,而小睡可能会影响晚上的睡眠质量。此外,NSDR 通过引导冥想来实现放松,而小睡是自然睡眠的一部分。
Huberman 为 NSDR 做了什么?
Huberman 推广并重新命名了 NSDR(非睡眠深度休息),使其在现代流行起来。他将古老的瑜伽冥想法重新命名为 NSDR,并在他的播客和社交媒体上分享了具体的指导和音频,帮助人们利用 NSDR 快速恢复能量,提高专注力,增强整体健康。
Sleep, Relax and Focus with NSDR
Non-Sleep Deep Rest , developed by Dr. Andrew Huberman, uses specific breathing patterns and body scanning to achieve deep relaxation and heightened awareness. Key benefits include improved sleep quality, increased energy and focus, and reduced stress and anxiety. Practical steps for practicing NSDR and scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness are also discussed.
Understanding Non-Sleep Deep Rest
Explore the concept of NSDR, its benefits, and how to practice it effectively.
Welcome to the World of NSDR
Explore the transformative power of Non-Sleep Deep Rest for enhanced relaxation, cognitive function, and overall well-being.
Non-sleep deep rest method
Discover the benefits of "moderate-intensity aerobic" exercise and the advantages of walking on uneven terrain for a comprehensive workout. Learn about "Non-Sleep Deep Rest", a technique popularized by Andrew Huberman, that quickly restores energy and improves concentration without the drawbacks of traditional napping. This article provides detailed NSDR steps, compares it to napping, and presents personal experiences and scientific research supporting its effectiveness.